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How To Impress a Girl on a Date (Tips)

1. Make sure you bring enough money.

2. After the date, give her another flower. Tell her how much you enjoyed her company and leave her at her place.

3. Remember to walk her up to the door when you drop her off. Don't just leave her there.

4. Remember to dress nicely.

5. For hair, you should have it messed up a little, but not looking sloppy. You might try combing your hair sideways and then ruffling it backwards. Repeat for whole head, bang style is your choice.

6. Have clean looking facial hair. Get it trimmed or shaved off.

7. Music. Make sure you ask what kind she likes before putting on your favorite tunes. She might not enjoy them.

8. Talk about where she got her hair to look that nice, or dress, or whatever.

9. Don't kiss her unless you know she wants to be kissed, some signs include her constantly looking at you then curling her lips, but the biggest sign is when you're taking her back to her place; if she jiggles her keys before she goes in the house, it means she want to be kissed, and otherwise there is a lot less chance.